MP Board Class 12th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 20 Swami and Friends (R.K. Narayan)
Swami and Friends Comprehension
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1. Monday Morning
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Swami And Friends Questions Answers Chapter 20 Question 1.
Why was Swaminathan apprehensive of Mondays? Which sentence in the lesson suggests that it was a five-day week in Swaminathan’s school?
Swami hates Mondays, for it means activity, discipline/and work after the holiday he had enjoyed on Saturday and Sunday. Monday is unpleasant for him. As Swami sits on the table in his room he finds that he had a lot of homework to do and only two hours for doing it. He feels bored and tired and is in no mood of work. The sentence in the text that suggests that it was a five-day week in Swaminathan’s school”After a delicious freedom of Saturday and Sunday it was difficult to get into the Monday mood of work and discipline.”
Swami And Friends Questions Answers Pdf Question 2.
Write about the four persons who were Swami’s friends. (M.P. Board 2015)
Swami is a boy ten years old. He is a student of Albert Mission School, First Form (A). He is quite happy at school. His happiness results from the fact that he has got four best friends, who are Somu, Marti, Shankar and Samuel, the Pea. Later on he gets another friend, Rajam. In the company of these friends he cuts jokes, plays pranks, loafs about and also sometimes, is engaged in friendly quarrels. With Mani and Rajam his relations are personal and human; while his relations with the other three Somu, Shanker, and the Pea are scholastic and impersonal.
Question 3.
Describe Mani’s personality. (M.P. Board 2009, 2011)
Mani is one of the closest friends of Swami. He is known as “the mighty good for nothing.” He towers head and shoulders above the other boys of the class and is admired by all. He is a sort of bully and says that his strength lies in the two clubs that he has at home. He can easily break the neck of those with it who offended him. Swaminathan was proud of his friendship. While others crouched in awe, he could address him as ‘Mani’ with gusto and pat him on the back familiarly.
Question 4.
Write about Shankar’s qualities as a student.
Shankar is another bosom friend of Swami. He is a brilliant boy of the class. He gets marks as high as ninety per cent and can answer any question put to him. However, there were some of the boys who felt that he got such high marks by flattering the teachers and by doing work for them but Swami has no doubts about his ability and considers him to be a marvel. He could speak to the teachers in English in the open class. He knows the . names of all the rivers, mountains and countries in the world. He could repeat history in his sleep and grammar was a child’s play to him. His face was radiant with intelligence.
Question 5.
What were the similarities between Swaminathan and Samuel, the Pea?
(M.P. Board 2009)
Swami’s another bosom friend was Samuel, the Pea. He was called the Pea as he was very small in size. There is nothing uncommon about him, for he is neither a good student nor physically remarkable. The only similarity between them was laughter. They were able to see together the same absurdities and incongruities in things. The most trivial and unnoticeable things to others would tickle them to death.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
Describe how Swaminathan passed Monday in his school. (M.P. Board 2016)
Swami is a student of the First Form (Section.A). It is Monday morning,and Swami hates Mondays, for it means activity, discipline and work, after his enjoyment on Saturday and Sunday. As Swami sits on the table in his ‘room’ which is merely a table in the dressing- room of his father he finds that he has a lot of home work to do, and only two hours for doing it. He feels bored and tired, and is in no mood for work.
He reaches the class on time and we are introduced to the fire-eyed teacher Vedanayagan, the class-teacher and also arithmetic teacher. Swami does not like him and we get a taste of Narayan’s verbal humour when we are told that Swami’s “criticism of the teacher’s face was that his eyes were too near each other, that there was more hair on his chin than one saw from the bench, and that he was very very bad-looking.” All the sums done by Swami are wrong, they are crossed out, the remark ‘very bad’ is given, he is very severely pinched over his left ear, and told to go back to his seat.
Then comes the History period, and the teacher is Dr Pillai. His method of teaching is interesting, but it does not conform to any known principles of education. It is followed by the scripture period and the teacher, Ebenezar, is a fanatic Christian. He constantly criticises and abuses Hindu Gods who, for him, are merely pieces of stone.
Question 2.
Describe in short the main characteristics of each of Swami’s four friends.
(M.P. Board 2015)
Swami is not a good student but his life at school is not entirely unhappy for he has four good friends. We get detailed pen-portraits of these friends. One of them is Somu, the monitor of the class. He was set about his business, whatever it was, with absolute confidence and calmness. He was known to be chummy even with the teachers. No teacher ever put to him a question in the class. It was believed that only
the headmaster could reprimand him. Then there is Mani, the Mighty-Good For-Nothing. He towers head and shoulders above the other boys of the class and is feared and admired by all. He is a sort of bully and says that his strength lies in the two clubs he has at home, and with which he can easily break the neck of those who offend him.
The third friend is Shankar, the most brilliant boy of the class. He gets marks as high as ninety per cent and can answer any questions that are put to him. He could speak to the teachers in English in the open class. He knew the names of all the rivers, mountains, and countries in the world. He could repeat history in his sleep. Gramihar was a child’s play to him. His face was radiant with intelligence. Swami’s fourth friend is Samuel, called the Pea, because of his small size. There is nothing uncommon about him, for he is neither a good student nor physically remarkable. The only bond between them was laughter.
2. Rajam And Mani
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
Who was Rajam? Why was Mani angry with him? (M.P. Board 2011,2012)
Rajam was a new student. He was the son of the Superintendent of Police. Swami admired Rajam and was much impressed by his carefree conduct, manners, and by his brilliance as a student. On the very first day, Rajam had impressed him by his nonchalance. He dressed very well. He was the only boy in the class who wore socks and shoes, fur cap, tie and a wonderful coat and knickers. He came to the school in a car. He was a very good student too.
It was said that he had come from some English boys school somewhere in Madras. He spoke very good English, exactly like a European. He assumed a certain non chalance to which Mani was not accustomed to. If Mani was the overlord of the class, Rajam seemed to be nothing less. And add to all this the fact that Rajam was a regular seventy-percenter, second only to Shankar. These were sure indications that Rajam was the new power in the class. Day by day as Mani looked on, it was becoming increasingly clear that a new menace had appeared in his life.” So, Mani was jealous of Rajam.
Question 2.
What did Mani decide to do with Rajam?
Mani didn’t like Rajam. Rajam made a good impact in class and also in school. Mani grew jealous of him. So, Mani wanted to bundle him into the river or to crack his shoulders with his club. Mani wanted to have a duel with Rajam. He was raging in anger and wanted to break his bones.
Question 3.
How did Swaminathan react when Mani told him about his intention? (M.P. Board 2009)
When Swami came to know about Mani’s plan he warned him to be careful, for Rajam’s father was the Superintendent of Police and the police are an awful lot. However, Mani did not care for all this and was determined to put the vile upstart down.
Question 4.
‘Swaminathan broke into loud protestation.’ What were the protestations?
Swami broke into loud protestation as Mani thought that Swami and Rajam are getting friendlier. However, this was not true Swami did not tried to talk him but Rajam came to him asking for a sharpner. Swami not only gave a cold shoulder but even asked Rajam, Mani’s enemy to get it from the shop. Swami did not liked that Mani doubted his sincerity in friendship and broke into protestation.
Question 5.
Why did Swaminathan, Mani and Rajam go to a secluded spot in the school? What course of action did they decide to do for the next day?
As soon as the day’s work was over, Swami. Mani and Rajam went to a secluded spot to settle matters. Swami again acted as “The Cord of Communication”.
Question 6.
What did Mani think while he was sitting at the river bank with Swaminathan waiting far Rajam?
While sitting by the side of the river Mani was squatting on the sand with Swami. They were silent. Mani was staring at the ground with a small wooden club under his arm. He was thinking to break Rajam’s head in a short while and throw his body into the river. He was also thinking what would happen if Rajam’s body was found or if he would come to take revenge as a spirit. He thought to teach him a lesson even then.
Question 7.
How did Mani and Rajam, instead of fighting, become friends?
It was at last agreed that they would meet the next evening on the banks of the river near Nallappa’s Grove. Accordingly, Mani came to the place with his clubs and Rajam came there with his air gun. When Mani pointed out that he should not have brought the gun as it was to be a hand-to-hand fight, Rajam pointed out that he ought not to have brought his clubs.
Both the air gun and the clubs were then dispensed with, the complaints which they had against each other were re-counted and hotly denied. The upshot was that the two suddenly decided to be friends, quite against the expectations of the readers. This conclusion was much to the relief of Swami, for he admired Rajam and wanted to be friends with him. As a sign of goodwill, Rajam offered some biscuits and Mani gladly accepted them.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
What were the reasons of animosity between Mani and Rajam?
Rajam was a new student to the class of Swaminathan. He was a son of the Superintendent of Police. He had been transferred from an English school of Madras. He was well dressed and well mannered. He wore shoes, socks, and tie. He came in a car. He was also well built and knew all tacts. On the first day at school he came and walked up to the last bench and sat beside Mani and felt comfortable indeed till Mani gave him a jab in the ribs, which he returned. He had impressed the whole class on the very first day. He could speak English fluently.
No other student in the class was able to compete with him in any way. By that time, Mani was the boss as there was no one to challenge his strength. Rajam became a rival of Mani. In his manner to Mani he assumed a certain non-chalance to which Mani was not accustomed to. If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed; if Mani clouted, he clouted; if Mani kicked, he kicked. If Mani was overlord of the class, Rajam seemed nothing less. More than that Rajam was-a brilliant student which Mani was not. So, Rajam was now the new centre of power which was not acceptable to Mani. Thus, there emerged animosity between them.
Question 2.
Despite their friendship, Swaminathan was afraid of Mani. What incident in the chapter shows this?
Mani and Swaminathan were good friends. Swami had respect for Mani. Mani was the hero for he was well built and was able to do anything which was beyond imagination for many. He could break neck of anyone with his clubs. Swami turns angry with him when he begins rivalry with Rajam. Swami likes Rajam very much his qualities. Mani doesn’t like Rajam because he appears to be a challenge for him. Mani decides to bundle Rajam into the river or to crack his shoulders with his club. Swami warns him to be careful for his father is the Superintendent of Police. When Mani showed reluctance Swami cried in protestation which made Mani surprised:
Question 3.
How was the showdown between Mani and Rajam fixed? Who was ‘the cord of communication between them? (M.P Board 2015)
In order to solve the animosity between Rajam and Mani, Swami sat between Mani and Rajam on one of the back benches of the class. Swami acted as the chord of communication between the two. After exchanging some units of messages, they finally came to the point to prove their might at the river near Nallappa’s grove.
Question 4.
Describe the encounter between Mani and Rajam at the river which turned their animosity into friendship.
On the fixed day Mani came to the place with his clubs and Rajam came there with his air gun. When Mani pointed out that he should not have brought the gun as it was to be a hand to hand fight, Rajam pointed out that he ought not to have brought his clubs. Both the airgun and the clubs were then dispensed with the complaints which they had against each other which were re-counted and hotly denied.
The upshot was that the two suddenly decided to be friends quite against the expectations of the others. This conclusion was much to the relief of Swami, for he admired Rajam and wanted to be friends with him. As a sign of goodwill, Rajam offered some biscuits and Mani accepted them. The three of them became close friends and became part of each other’s inner circle.
3. Swami ‘s Grandmother
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
Where did Swaminathan’s grandmother live? What were her belongings?
Swaminathan’s grandmother was a very old lady. She lived in a room which was an ill- ventilated passage between the front hall and dining room. Here, she lived with all her belongings. The novelist makes the readers smile with an account of her elaborate bed. It was made of, “five carpets, three bed sheets, and five pillows, a square box made of jute fibre, and a small wooden box containing copper coins, cardamoms, cloves, and areca nut”
Question 2.
What did Swaminathan tell his grandmother about Rajam?
Swami told his grandmother that Rajam was a brilliant boy. He was the son of a Superintendent of Police. He used to secure 90 per cent of marks in arithmetics.
Question 3.
What did grandmother tell Swaminathan about his grandfather? What did grandmother do with grandfather’s medal?
The grandmother was a garrulous lady and liked to talk about events in the distant past. When Swami told her about Rajam she began telling him about his grandfather. She told that his grandfather was a powerful magistrate and the police trembled before him and dacoits ran away in fear. He got 200 marks in the subject and a gold medal. She gave it to Swami’s aunt she melted it and made four bangles out of it. Initially the grandmother use to wear it as a pendant.
Question 4.
Describe in your own words the story of Rajam’s bravery as told by Swaminathan to his grandmother.
Swami narrated a story of Rajam’s bravery. He told that once when Rajam’s father was camping in a forest, Rajam was also with him. Two tigers came upon them suddenly one knocking down the father from behind and other chasing down Rajam. Rajam took shelter behind a bush and shot it dead with his gun.
Question 5.
What was Swaminathan waiting for while his father was preparing to go out? What did Swaminathan do in the meanwhile?
One Saturday afternoon Swami was eager to go off to his friend sand impatiently, waited for the departure of his father for his office. He pretended to read but in reality watched closely every detail of his preparation to go to his office. He watched him as he tied his turban, took his watch, his snuff box, his handkerchief and his umbrella. He went out but was called in by mother to the great annoyance of Swami, who had almost stood up to go out.
She wanted some money and father returned to give it to her and then went out a second time. As soon as he was gone, Swami also began to move out. To her mother, who wished that he should obey his father and stay at home, he replied that he was going to his drawing teacher. He had called him, so he must go, otherwise he would fail in the subject.
Question 6.
How did Rajam entertain his friends at his house? (ALP. Board 2009)
Swami and Mani together went to Rajam. A policeman tried to stop them but when they
told him that Rajam was waiting for them, he at once became very polite and friendly. They were much amazed to see the large room of Rajam with his books arranged neatly on a big table, with a time-piece. Rajam kept them waiting for a few minutes, for he had seen his father doing so, and then came to them. He showed them his almirah full of toys.
They beheld astounding things in it, miniature trains and motors, mechanical marvels, and a magic lantern with slides many large picture-books, and a hundred other things. What interested Mani most was a grim air gun that stood in a corner. Rajam gave them permission to handle anything they pleased. In a short while Swaminathan was running an engine all over the room, Mani was shooting arrow after arrow from a bow at the opposite wall. When he was tired of it, he took up the air gun and devastated the furniture around with lead balls.
Question 7.
Do you approve of Rajam’s behaviour with the cook? Give reasons in support of your
answer. (M.P. Board 2009)
At Rajam’s house coffee with some snacks was brought for them by the cook. Rajam tried to snub him in order to impress his friends with the power and authority he had but the cook was more than a match for him. First, he tried to argue with Rajam and then walked off with the snacks telling him to come to the kitchen if he wanted the eatables. He had to go to the kitchen and bring in the snacks and the coffee himself. In order to hide his humiliation, he told his friends that he kicked the Cook for his impertinence and at the time he was lying unconscious in the kitchen.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
“Swaminathan had good rapport with his grandmother.” Do you agree with this statement? Give instances in support of your answer.
Swami had good rapport with his grandmother. Swami used to feel very snug and safe in the faint atmosphere of cardamon and cloves. After the night meal, with his head on his granny’s lap, he nestled close to her. Some Of the instances of his rapport with his granny is seen when he talks.with her. Let us see how he talks :
“Oh, Granny : he cried ecstatically.” You don’t know what a great fellow Rajam is.” He told her the story of the first enmity between Rajam and Mani and the subsequent friendship.
“You know he has a real police dress”, said Swaminathan.
‘Is it? What does he want a police dress for?’ asked Granny.
Question 2.
Swaminathan was waiting impatiently for his father to go out but his exit was taking too long. Describe how his father took so long to leave the house.
One,Saturday afternoon, Swami had a plan to visit Rajam’s house. So, he was waiting impatiently for his father’s departure. However, his father was taking time for preparing himself. He stood before mirror, winding a turban round his head. He had put on his silk coat. Swami was watching him keenly. Now only his spectacles remained and then the watch. Swami felt glad that it was the last item and after that his father would leave for the court but then, his mother came with a tumbler of water in’one hand and a plate of betel leaves and nuts in the other, father drank water and held out his hand.
Mother gave him a little are nut and half a dozen neatly rolled betel leaves. He put them all into his mouth, chewing them with great contentment. Swami read at the top of his voice the poem about a woolly sheep. His father fussed about a little for his tiny silver snuff box and took his handkerchief. He hooked his umbrella on his arm which was the last signal. for starting. Swami had almost closed the book and risen. In the meantime, mother stopped his father. He again came back. He opened his bureau, gave money to her, adjusted his turban before mirror, took a heavy pinch of snuff and wiping his nose with hanky, went out. Now Swami was relieved.
Question 3.
Describe Swaminathan and Mani’s visit to Rajam’s house.
On a Saturday afternoon, Swami visited Rajam’s house with Mani. As Rajam was a son of the Superintendent of Police, his house was protected by security guards. The guard stopped them. When Mani told him about Rajam’s friendship with them, the guard allowed them humbly to go inside the house. Rajam kept them waiting for sometime. Swami and Mani were amazed to see the large room of Rajam. The room was well arranged with his books on a big table and a time piece.
Rajam showed them his almirah which was full of toys. They were amazed to see the miniature trains and motors, mechanical marvels and magic lantern with slides. There were many good picture books and a number of other attractive things. Rajam allowed them to play with them and enjoy. Soon Swami and Mani began playing with Rajam’s toys. Then, they were served coffee and snacks. They enjoyed the visit very much.
4. ‘What Is A Tail’
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
Why did Swaminathan go to the Infant standards? What did he find children doing there?
As the geography teacher was absent the boys of the First A i.e., Swami’s class, were in leisure. Swami missed his friend and he was alone. He wandered along the corridor of the infant standards. He saw the infants dabbling in wet clay and trying to shape models. For Swami it was a ridiculous thing to do at school.
Question 2.
Where did Swaminathan find Shankar, Somu and others? How did they behave with him?
Swaminathan found Shankar, Somu and other resting under a tamarind tree. This was a secluded place in the school campus. They were playing some games. Swami joined them with a low, ecstatic cry but they responded indifferently. It disappointed. Swami. They turned their faces to him with a faint smile and returned to their game. Even Somu was grim.
Question 3.
How did Swaminathan know that the boys of his class called him ‘tail’? (M.P. Board 2011,2015)
Swami was surprised at the behaviour of his friends. He asked for his place in the game. Nobody paid attention to him. His friends were talking amongst themselves. Again and again, they were referring the word ‘tail’ like what is a tail, whether there was anyone like a tail etc. When they said that there was someone present there who was a tail,
Swaminathan could comprehend very little except that the remark contained some unpleasant references to himself. He became very hot and wanted to cry. Then he asked about that remark and it got confirmed that they were calling him tail of Rajam.
Question 4.
Describe Swaminathan’s state of mind when Sankar, Somu and others stopped talking to him.(M.P. Board 2011)
Swami was feeling restless when Sankar, Somu, and others stopped talking to him. He was feeling lonely. His friends were also hostile to him. It was very painful for poor Swami but he could not help it. He wanted to talk to them and crack jokes but he was helpless. He was feeling uncomfortable.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
Describe Swaminathan’s feelings when his friends called him ‘tail’ and stopped talking to him.
See answer of Monday Morning given in comprehension topic.
Question 2.
Imagine yourself as Swaminathan. What will you do if your friends tease you and call you, names?
Do yourself.
5. Father’s Room
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
How did grandmother react when Swaminathan told her about Rajam’s visit? What instructions did Swami give her?
It was Saturday and Rajam was to visit Swami in the afternoon. Swami wanted to create a good impression on his friend, who was a VIP, the son of a Superintendent of Police. He first cleaned his table and arranged his books properly. Then, he talked to his Granny. She was too old and so he wanted that she should not come in when Rajam was with him. He told her so quite frankly, even though, it must have been rather painful for her.
Question 2.
How did Swaminathan cover up his lie that the room they were sitting in was his?
During Rajam’s visit everything went on smoothly. They were together for three hours
and talked on a number of subjects as trains, tiger-hunting, police, ghosts, their friends and their teachers. The snacks were wonderful and the coffee was really good. Only, the cook did not change his dhoti and appeared before Swarni’s hero, in the same old dhoti. Rajam, too, put some awkward questions:
‘Which is your room?’Rajam asked.
Swaminathan replied with a grave face: ‘This is my room, why?’ Rajam took time to swallow this. ‘Do you read such books?’ he asked, eyeing the big gilt- edged law books on the table. Swaminathan w:as embarrassed.
Question 3.
What provoked Swaminathan to slap the Pea? What followed thereafter?
One day when Swami entered the class, a giggle went along the benches. Somebody had written ‘Tail’ on the blackboard in huge letters. Swami suspected that the Pea and Sankar had done it. So, he slapped them on the face. Pandemonium broke out in the class, with Sankar, the Pea and Swami rolling over and over and tearing each other’s hair, faces, and clothes. The fight stopped for a moment when the teacher entered but a moment later,they left the class, to fight it out in the fields adjoining the school.
Question 4.
Why did Mani take the boys out: of the class to a secluded place? Why could he not succeed in bringing about a reconciliation?
Swami told his friends that the Pea and Sankar wrote ‘tail’ on the blackboard and that they called him “Rajam’s tail”. Somu sided with Sankar and Pea, and Mani stood up for Swami. In order to settle the matter Mani took the boy to a secluded place. A fierce fight between Mani and Somu followed. Mani swung his hand and brought it down on Somu’s nape. Somu pushed it away with a heavy blow. Mani aimed a kick at Somu, which would send him rolling. Somu stepped aside and delivered one himself, which nearly bent the other.
Question 5.
Who challenged Mani’s authority? How was the fight ended? (M.P. Board 2015)
Somu challenged Mani’s authority. The fighting between them (Mani and Somu) was so violent and deadly, that the three youngsters (Sankar, the Pea, and Swami) thought that the two would murder each other. In great panic, they rushed to the headmaster and told him that two murders were being committed in the school-field. The head master came to the spot and easily parted the two boys and thus put an end to the fight. Swami was ” much surprised at this, for he had thought that the strength possessed by Somu and Mani was not possessed by anyone else.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
What preparations did Swaminathan make for Rajam’s visit to his house?
On a Saturday afternoon Rajam had promised to visit Swami’s house. He was very much excited. As he had already visited Rajam’s house, he did not want to show himself inferior in any way. So, first, he was confused about the room where he would entertain his friend. He selected his father’s room. He cleaned the table and arranged his books so neatly that his father was surprised. Then he instructed his mother to prepare something nice and sweet.
He suggested not to make usual coffee but very good and hot. He asked his mother to send the coffee and tiffin through the cook. He also instructed his cook to wear a clean, white dhoti and shirt. Then he asked his mother to ask father to allow him to use his room for the Rajam’s visit. However, father agreed. Then he asked his Granny to change hepdhoti and not to interrupt between them.
Question 2.
Narrate the incident in the class which ultimately led to the fight between Mani and Somu.
On the Monday morning after Saturday’s visit to Rajam’s house, Swami came to school but it was not at all pleasant for him. Someone had written the word ‘tail’ on the blackboard in huge letters. Swami suspected that the Pea and Sankar had done it. So, he slapped them on the face. The very next moment Swami, Sankar, and the Pea were rolling over and over and tearing each other’s, hair, faces, and clothes. The fight stopped for a while when the teacher entered the class but a moment later, they left the class to fight it out in a field outside the school. Somu sided with Sankar and the Pea while Mani stood up for Swami. A fierce fight between Mani and Somu followed. Mani swung his hand and brought it down on Somu’s nape. Somu pushed it away with a heavy blow. They were fighting in a bold manner. It continued till the headmaster came to the spot.
6. A Friend In Need
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
How did Mani contemplate taking revenge cm Somu, Sankar and the Pea?
Mani contemplated taking revenge on Somu, Sankar and the Pea by breaking Somu’s waist, then he will get Pea under his heel and press him to earth and finally he will hang Sankar by his neck over Sarayu from Peepul biranch.
Question 2.
What prank did Mani and Swaminathan want to play on Rajam?
They knocked at the door of Rajam’s room and as soon as he opened the door, they pretended to be a blind kitten and a blind puppy and crawled into the room as such. As they had closed their eyes, they did not see that Somu, Sanker, and Pea were there. The blind puppy had bitten the calf muscle of Rajam whereas the blind kitten had fondled the leg of Sankar. Mani stunned from the whole event saw that Pea was enjoying the whole scene from the comer with mischievous eyes.
Question 3.
What made Mani to boil with rage? How did Rajam assuage his anger? (M.R Board 2011)
Swami and Man were angry with Rajam, for they thought he had played a dirty trick on them but Rajam soon pacified them by praising their performance as the kitten and the puppy. He then proceeded to give them a long lecture on the value of friendship, and the infinite torture to which those who harbour ennuty are subjected in Hell. So, vivid and eloquent was he, that the boys were terrified.
Question 4.
What impressive things did Rajam tell them about friendship?
Rajam said impressive things about friendship, quoting from his book the story of the dying old man and the faggots which proved that union was strength. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He then started giving hairraising accounts of what hell had in store for persons who fostered enmity According to Rajam it was written in the Veda that a person who fostered enmity should be locked up in a small room, after his death.
Question 5.
What, according to the Vedas, was the punishment for those who foster enmity?
Rajam gave an eloquent lecture on those who nourish jealousy and enmity with others. He cited instances and lines from the great religious book Vedas. He said that it is written there that a person who fostered enmity should be locked up in a small room after his death. He would be made to stand, stark naked, on a pedestal of red hot iron. There were beehives all around with bees as big as lemons, If the sinner stepped down from the pedestal, he would have to put his foot on immense scorpions and centipedes that crawled about the room in hundreds
Question 6.
What made the boys end their enmity Rajam’s lecture on friendship or the prizes he offered to each of them? Support your answer with arguments.
I think Rajam’s lecture on friendship put greener effect on each of the friends. They got afraid of the religious interference and they were not in mind to continue enmity and get punishment in the life after death. The gift offered by Rajam may have also put them in pressure.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 wards each
Question 1.
Mani and Swaminathan wanted to play a prank on Rajam. Describe how that prank
turned upon them?
Mare and Swaminatharj wanted to play a prank on Rajaim They reached Ra jam’s residence. The two friends jumped over the boundary wall. A servant came running towards them. He asked “why did they climb the wall? There was a discussion between them and then they told the servant that they had come to meet Rajam. They knocked at the door of Ra jam’s room and as soon as he opened the door, they pretended to be a blind kitten and a blind pUppy and crawled into the room as such. As they had closed their eyes they did not see that Somu, Sankar and the Pea were there, Indeed they touched and fond:ed their feet and when they did open their eyes they saw that they had touched the feet of Somu, Sankar, and Pea. In this way, the prank had turned upon themselves.
Question 2.
How did Rajam bring about reconciliation between his fighting friends? (M.P. Board 2010. 2011, 2022)
Rajam was a tactful boy. He belonged to a high society. He was a brilliant student. He always wanted to be cordial and friendly with everyone. So, when Swami and Mani wanted to play prank on him and Later were exposed he was not annoyed. He knew what they had done was out of jealousy and enmity among themselves. So, he tried to give an elaborate and effective lecture on friendship and how enmity can spoil their life.
He did not mind their dirty trick: Instead, he praised their performance as e kitten and the puppy. Then, he preached them on the value of friendship and said that .Those who harbour enmity are subjected to hell. They are tortured. Later, they all realised their faults. Then Rajam offered them gifts. There was reconciliation among them.
7. A New Arrival
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
Why was Swaminathan cold and reserve to his mother when he was taken to her room? (MP Board 2015)
Swammatban’s mother was in labour pain. She had been in bed for two days. Swami didn’t see her in kitchen. He felt uncomfortable in her absence. When he was taken to her room, he found her lying weak and pale on the bed. She called him closer to her. As Swami was not so mature, he couldn’t understand what was going on. He was cold and reserved when he came in the room.
Question 2.
How did Swaminathan describe his little brother to the Pea? (MP Board 2012)
Swami was confused at the birth of his new baby brother. When he came to school, the next day he told his friend the Pea about it. For him the baby was funny. He said “Oh, like him. He is hardly anything. Such a funny-looking creature.” Further, he said, “this thing has wonderful pair of hands, so small and plump. you know! But I tell you, his face is awful, red, red like chilli.”
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
Describe in your own words the activities that took place In Swaminathan’s house on the night when his new brother arrived.
Swami’s mother was to give birth to a baby. One day, his Granny said to him that he was going to have a baby brother. That night, he was allowed to sleep on Granny’s bed. The lights kept burning all night. Whenever he opened his eyes, he was conscious of busy feet scurrying along the passage. Late at night. when he woke up he saw a lady doctor in the hail. She behaved as if the house belonged to her. She entered mother’s room.
A mingled noise was coming out of that room. Then she came out and commanded Swami’s father to do something. He went away and returned with a small bottle in his hand. He hovered about uncertainty. The hushed voices, hurry, seriousness, agitations hot water, and medicine preparations for shering in a new person were all beyond the comprehension of Swami.
8. Before The Examinations
A. Answer the following questions i about 60 words each:
Question 1.
What change did Swaminathan observe in his father’s behaviour towards him before the examination? (MP.Board 2011)
It was the month of April, just two weeks before the annual exams. Swami’ father, quite naturally, now wanted that his son should devote more time to his studies and often rebuked him when he saw the boy wasting his time. Swami thought that his father was changing and growing more fussy and difficult every day. However, his words had some effect on his son when he warned him that if he failed, his juniors would become his classmates and his friends would become his seniors, and would no longer like to mix up with him.
Question 2.
What changes did Swaminathan find in his friend’s behaviour before the examination?
At school, everybody seemed “to be overwhelmed by the thought of the examinations.” His friends hardly exchanged even a few words with him, they were so busy with their preparations.
Question 3.
What hints did the school clerk give to Mani? Was Mani satisfied with them?
Somehow or the other, the boys were under the impression that the school clerk knew all about the question papers and he could help them a lot. So, one day, Main visited him with a gift of brinjals. The clerk was pleased, welcomed Mani, and talked a great deal about various matters. When he did not come to the point, Mani asked humuntly to tell him a few important questions. The clerk did not refuse but told him vaguely that it is good to prepare maps, to solve five problems every day for Maths, and as regards English, there is nothing to worry about if he has read all the lessons
Question 4.
Do you agree to what Mani did to succeed in the examination? Give reasons in support of your answer . (M.P Board 2015)
I think what Mani did to know the questions from the school clerk was not good., When he knew that the clerk had the idea about the questions he went to meet him. He took a gift to impress him. Though the clerk did not say anything clearly, Mani thought it right and prepared accordingly It is not right for a good student, It is unjustified.
Question 5.
What Incidents did Swaminathan narrate to his grandmother? Why was she not
interested in them that day?
Swan-ti, one day after coming back home from school, felt rather dull. His mother was not at home. Granny was not in talkative mood still, he began narrating the Incidents that happened in school that day. First, he said that a boy in first stabbed another out of enmity Next he said that the headmaster knocked his toe against the door post. He got his and his toe began bleeding heavily. He went limping about the school the whole day. He couldn’t take the Third Form and so they had to leave. Granny was not at all interested in them that day.
Question 6.
Why did Swaminathan find his brother more interesting as he grew up?
When Swami came back home from school, he was feeling dull. He wanted to talk to his Granny who was not interested in his talks. So, he came near his baby brother’s cradle. In the beginning he was skeptical of his brother but as he grew he became more interesting for him. He was six months old now and was charming. I-le still made noises whenever he saw anybody, thrust his fists into his month, damped his round arms up to the elbow and vigorously kicked the air. He also displayed his bare red gums in a smile. Swami loved each of his activities. Swami was feeling more attached with him.
Question 7.
What thoughts crossed Swaminathan’s mind when he gazed at the maps in the atlas?
As the time of examination was close Swami tried to concentrate on study. He sat at his table and took out his atlas. He opened the political map of Europe and sat gazing at it. It puzzled him how people managed to live in such a crooked country as Europe. He wondered what the shape of the people might be who lived in places where the outline narrowed as in a cape and how they managed to escape being strangled by the contour of their land. Then, he thought about the size and shape of the country He wondered how such foolish ideas came into their minds.
Question 8.
How did Swaminathan prepare the list of things he wanted for the examination? (MP. Board 2015)
Swami’s examination was close now. So two days before the examination he made a list of things he needed for his exams. He wrote unruled paper-20 sheets, Nibs-6, lnk-2 bottles, clips and pins. He nibbled his pencil and re-read the list. It was disappointing. He thought it was very short. Then, he scrutinize4 it and made another one monitoring:
Unruled paper – 20 sheets
Ruled white paper – 10 sheets
Black ink — 1 bottle
Clips — 3-6-12
Pins — &-12
The list was not satisfactory even now. After pondering over it, he added ,are board pad- 01 and one rupee for additional expenses.
Question 9.
What did Swaminathafl’s father do when he saw the list?
After preparing the list of the items for his examination, Swami wanted to show it to his father. When he approached his father, he became angry. He said that there is no need to buy anything as everything was available there. His father said that he had no clips and Swami didn’t need them. He asked what was the use of pad when there were benches in school, Then, he said that he didn’t need anything. They are useless. Swami felt awful at such a response from his father.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
As the examinations approach you find a change in your patents’ behaviour. What changes do you find in your parents’ behaviour as your examination approaches? Do you like them? Give reasons for your answer.
Examination is such a time when a student’s performance is examined periodically It doesn’t matter whether it is quarterly monthly half yearly, or annual. It bears the same value not only for the students but also for the parents. Examination gives the result which can make one proud or ashamed. So. it makes the student as well as the parents more conscious.
Parents’ behaviour is usually changed during this period. They begin taking much care of their son or daughter. They sometimes become stricter in their behaviour. They want that their son/daughter to learn all the things so that he/she does not escape anything but it is not possible in a day. So, they become irritated. This strictness, only during exam period is not wise. It grows bitterness in the student and affects him/ her badly. Hence, I don’t like such a change.
Question 2.
Why did Mani go to the school clerk’s house? Do you approve of his behaviour? Give arguments in support of your answer.
As the examination was coming nearer, the students were becoming more worried. They were totally confused but overwhelmed. In the meantime, a rumour spread that the school clerk had the secret idea about the question paper. Mani was more concerned about it. So, one day he took a neat bundle of fresh brinjals, reached the clerk’s house and laid the bundle at his feet. The clerk was pleased.
The clerk was a clever fellow. He talked all about his cat and other things but he was not coming to the point cf examination. Finally, Mani’s patience broke down and he directly asked him about the question paper. The clerk replied vaguely about all the subjects. However Mani was satisfied. He carne back and began preparing towards that direction. What Man did was absolutely improper and ill-ways for a sincere student. No one call him a good student. A student’s duty is to labour honestly Mani never paid attention to his studies but wanted to know the question using unfair means. I condemn such a boy.
Question 3.
You want some money to buy certain things for the examination and your father has not yet sent you the money. Write a letter to him, convincing him how urgently you need them for your examination..
Shivap Colony,
Bhopal (MJ)
13th July, 20xx
My dear Father,
I am a little bit worried that my examination is coming doser. Last week I wrote you a letter giving details about my preparation. I am preparing honestly. As I have some problems in English and Maths I have contacted a teacher who teaches me one hour daily. I am improving well. By the way I would like to remind you that I need some essential items for my examination. I had made a request to you to send me one thousand rupees. I have to give 500 to my teacher and the rest, I will spend for buying some stationery and books. It Is getting late. Please send it soon so that I can use it. Waiting for your prompt reply.
Your dear son,
9. School Breaks-Up
A. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each
Question 1.
What were Swaminathan’s friends doing when he left the examination hail?
Examinations were going on in school. Swaminathan came out of the examination room but he found that none of his friends had come out. They were still in the examination room. Sankar was lost to the world with his let shoulder against the wall. Ralam had become a writing machine while Mani was still gazing at the rafters scratching his chin with the pen. The Pea was leaning back in his seat revising his answers, They all came out when the final bell rang.
Question 2.
How did Swaminathaii solve the question paper? (M,P. Board 2011)
Swami came out of the exam-hall twenty minutes before the time. Out of six questions set, he had answered the first question to his satisfaction. The second was doubtful, the third was satisfaction, the fourth was clearly wrong but the sixth answer was the best of all. It took only a minute to answer it.
Question 3.
Which two morals did Swaminathan draw from the story in the question paper? Which of them did he write in the answer book and why?
There was a story given in the sixth question. Swami had read the question at two minutes to four thirty, started answering a minute later, and finished at four thirty, The question was to give the moral of the story. Swami had thin never thought that this story contained a moral. However later he thought that it must have had one, as the question said. Then, it took a minute to decide where the moral was: “We must never accept a gold bangle when it is offered by a tiger.” or “Love of gold bangle costs on one’s life.” He saw more logic in the latter and wrote It down.
Question 4.
Why did Swaminathan lie about the lenth of the answer of the last question about moral of the story?
When friends of Swami came out of the examination room, they began discussing how they answered the question. At the question of moral of the story, one of them had written a full page, Rajam had written only three quarter of a page while Sankar had written a little more than half. As Swami had written only a line, he felt disclosing it would be fooling himself, so he said he also wrote about half a page.
Question 5.
What did the Headmaster ask the students to do during the vacation?
The headmastet came and announced the closure of school for the vacation. He also hoped that the boys would not waste their time but read story-books and keep glancing through the books prescribed for their next classes to which it was hoped they would be pornoted.
Question 6.
What mischief did the boys play while returning home? Why did they do it?
After the headmaster’s speech the assembly was dispersed. Boys began making mischief ( jubilation for the vacation, ink bottles were broken and ink was poured over one another’s head and,clothes. Mani was the leader of the jubilant team of the boys. All the Stationary items were destroyed.
Question 7.
Why did Singaram, the peon rush into the crowd of boys with a stick?
In the midst of merry making. the boys broke more bottles of ink on the ground. Mani cried to bring the turban of Singarani the school peon to dye in the ink. As Singaram was the only man to oppose such liberty of the boys, he became a target of the boys but as he heard something about himself, he became infuriated and rushed into the crowd with a stick and dispersed the revellers.
B. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
Question 1.
Write the story of The Brahmin and the Tiger” in your own words. What moral will you draw from this story?
There was a poor Brahmin. One day he was passing along the edge of a pond. He saw a tiger who was standing on the other side of the pond. The tiger was old. He had a gold bangle in his hand. He held the Brahmin and said that as he had killed a lot of innocent creatures and now he wants to make reconciliation by offering gifts to people.
He invited the Brahmin to take the gold bangle. The Brahmin, at first, declined the offer saying that the tiger is after all a tiger. How one can change one’s nature! The Brahmin refused to believe him but the tiger assured him by swearing on the name of God. The Irahmin got tempted and believing the words of the tiger, he waded through the water. He reached the other side of the pond but before he could hold out his hand for the bangle, he was inside the tiger’s mouth. The temptation of Brabmin killed him. So, the moral of the story follows Greediness is the worst evil.
Question 2.
Describe the spirit of liberty which the students were enjoying after the examination (M.P. Board 2012)
Examination is a period of stress and exhaustion for the students. They forget all freedom and devote all their time to studies. The parents and teachers do not allow them any extra time for any other activities other than studies but as the examination gets over, the students become excessive joyous by jubilation. Sometimes, they misuse this liberty. They destroy the school property and make fun by teasing all those who come in their way. I feel it is not good at all. Such liberty should not be allowed jubilation does not mean destruction. Such practices should be banned.
Swami and Friends Summary in English
1. Monday Morning
In this chapter, we are introduced to Swami, the central figure in the novel. He is a boy often years and a student of First Form (A), Albert Mission School, Malgudi. He is not one of the brightest students of the school. After the delicious freedom and rest of Saturday and Sunday, he does not like to go to school on Monday. On Monday mornings, he is unable to concentrate on his studies.
We are also introduced to his close friends and his teachers. Among friends he is particularly intimate with Mani, a towering well-built personality, who with clubs at home can break any body’s neck. Among his teachers, there is the Christian Ebenezar,who is always praising his religion and criticising Hindu gods. Swami objects to this and the teacher tries to wrench his left ear off. Swami complains to his father, who gives his son a letter for the Headmaster, to be delivered the next morning. However, it has no effect and things go on as us gal.
2. Rajam and Mani
This chapter introduces us to a newcomer to the class, Rajam. He Is the son of the Superintendent of Police, well-dressed, intelligent, and a good student. In the beginning, he is regarded as a rival by Mani and is challenged to a fight. Swami is fascinated by him and is friendly with him. He is much relieved when the fight does not take place and the two are reconciled. Their friendship matures, the three are constantly together, and the others are excluded from this ‘inner circle’.
3. Swami’s Grandmother
In this chapter there are three sections. In the first section, we are given a character sketch of Swami’s Granny, the way she passes her days and of her ‘room’. Swami tells her of his new friend Rajam and she narrates to him the story of Harishchandra, till he goes to sleep. In the second section we are told of Swami’s anxiety to go out and bai about with his friends. As soon as his father is gone, Swami runs away to his friends, despite the remonstrance of his mother.
The third section gives an account of the visit of Swami and Mani to Rajam’s residence. They are much Impressed by the toys which he shows them, the respect which he commands, and the way in which col fee and snacks are brought in. However, the chapter ends on a note of comedy; the discomfiture of Rajam at the hands of the cook.
4. ‘What is a Tail’?
The friends of Swami were jealous of his friendship with Rajam. So, they called him “the Tail” of Rajam and refused to play or talk with him. Swami felt most wretched, isolated and unhappy.
5. Father’s Room
This chapter may conveniently be divided into three parts. In the first part, Swami seeks the permission of his father to use his room as his own during Ra jam’s visit in the afternoon and the permission is granted. In the second part; there is an account of the visit itself. In the third part the scene shifts to the school. Some one has written Tail on the blackboard in large letters. This leads to fierce fighting, till the Headmaster arrives, separates Somu and Mani, locked in a fierce fight at the time, and restores order.
6. A Friend in Need
The chapter tells us how Rajam caused Swami and Mani to become friends once again with the Pea, Somu, and Shankar. This was done by inviting all of them to his house, giving them a lecture on friendship, and offering them attractive gifts if they became friends once again. Rajam, indeed, served the cause of friendship, in the hour of need.
7. A New Arrival
The new arrival Is Swami’s baby brother. The atmosphere of suspense, hurry and bustle which precedes the birth has been well-brought out. Swami failed to understand the meaning of the goings-on and as to why the lady doctor was treating the home as her own, and why she was being obeyed by all concerned. Lost in thought, he fell asleep. However, he knew the next morning that he had got a baby brother.
8. Before the Examinations
The chapter deals with the approach of the annual examinations, and the trouble it meant for Swami. At home, the father made a lot of fuss and made Swami study for long hours. At school, the examination fever seemed to have possessed all his friends. There was no gossiping and loitering about. It was rumoured that the school dark knew all about the question papers and frantic efforts were made to get some hints from him.
Mani visited him with a gift of brinjals and went to the extent of asking him directly about the question papers. His answers were vague and general but Mani was fully satisfied. He told what he knew to Swami and they prepared accordingly.
9. School Breaks-up
It was the last day of the examinations, and after that the school was to be closed for the vacations. Swami came out of the examination room twenty minutes earlier and waited for others to come but none came till the bell rang and then it was all noise and jubilation. The Headmaster addressed them briefly and announced that the school would remain closed till the 19th of June and shall reopen on the 20th.
There was excitement and joy at the announcement, and then they started breaking ink-pots and destroying articles of stationer Swami participated with joy In this mad spree. The fun went on till the school peon dispersed the revellers.
Swami and Friends Summary in Hindi
1. Monday Morning
इस अध्याय में हमें उपन्यास के प्रमुख चरित्र स्वामी का परिचय दिया जाता है। वह एक दस वर्ष का अलबर्ट मिशन स्कूल, मालगुड़ी के प्रथम भाग (अ) में पढ़ने वाला लड़का है। वह स्कूल के बुद्धिमान विद्यार्थियों में से नहीं है। शनिवार और रविवार की सुखद आज़ादी और आराम के बाद सोमवार को वह स्कूल नहीं जाना चाहता है। सोमवार की सुबह – वह पढ़ाई में ध्यान केन्द्रित नहीं कर पाता। हमें उसके अभिन्न मित्रों व शिक्षकों का भी परिचय मिलता है। दोस्तो
के बीच वह मणि के अधिक निकट है। मणि एक हष्ट-पुष्ट लड़का है तथा वह किसी की भी पिटाई करने के लिए अपने घर पर एक मजबूत हुंडा रखता है। शिक्षकों में क्रिश्चन इबेनेजार है, जो हमेशा अपने धर्म की प्रशंसा करता है और हिन्दू देवताओं की आलोचना करता है। स्वामी इसका विरोध करता है और शिक्षक उसके बाएँ कान को खींचकर दंड देने की कोशिश करता है। स्वामी अपने पिता से इसकी शिकायत करता है जो उसे अगले दिन प्रधानाध्यापक को देने के लिए एक चिट्ठी लिखता है। लेकिन इसका कोई असर नहीं होता। चीजें सामान्य ढंग से चलती रहती हैं।
2. Rajam and Mani
इस अध्याय में एक नये लड़के राजम के बारे में जानकारी मिलती है। वह पुलिस अधीक्षक का बेटा है जो सुसज्जित पोशाकवाला, तेज़ और अच्छा लड़का है। शुरू में वह मणि का प्रतिद्वन्दी माना जाता है और लड़ाई के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है। स्वामी उससे प्रभावित होता है और उसके प्रति मित्रवत् है। उसे बहुत राहत मिलती है जब लड़ाई नहीं होती और दोनों पीछे हट जाते हैं। उनकी दोस्ती गहरी हो जाती है और तीनों हमेशा साथ रहते हैं और अन्य लोगों को इस दायरे से बाहर कर दिया जाता है।
3. Swami’s Grandmother
इस अध्याय में तीन भाग हैं। प्रथम भाग में हमें स्वामी की दादी का परिचय मिलता है कैसे वह अपने कमरे में अपना समय गुजारती है। स्वामी उससे अपने नये दोस्त राजम के बारे में बताता है और वह उसे हरिश्चन्द्र की कहानी सुनाती है जब तक वह सो न जाए। दूसरे भाग में स्वामी की बेचैनी दिखाई गई है कि कैसे वह बाहर अपने दोस्तों के साथ खेले। जैसे ही पिता जी बाहर जाते हैं वह अपनी माँ के बुदबुदाने के बावजूद भी भाग खड़ा होता है। तीसरे भाग में राजम के घर पर स्वामी और मणि का मिलना दिखाया गया है। वे लोग उसके खिलौने, उसके रौब और कॉफी और नाश्ता परोसने के तरीके से काफी प्रभावित होते हैं। अध्याय हँसी के साथ समाप्त होता है-राजम का नौकरों के साथ मज़ाक।
4. ‘What is a Tail’
स्वामी के दोस्त राजम के साथ उसकी दोस्ती से जलते हैं। इसलिए वे उसे राजम की ‘दुम’ कहकर बुलाते हैं और उसके साथ खेलने और बात करने से इनकार कर देते हैं। स्वामी काफी दयनीय, अकेला और दुःखी महसूस करता है।
5. Father’s Room
इस अध्याय को सुविधा के लिए तीन भाग में बाँटा जा सकता है। पहले भाग में स्वामी अपने पिता से इस बात की स्वीकृति माँगता है कि राजम के आने के समय वह अपने पिता के कमरे का अपने कमरे के रूप में इस्तेमाल कर सके और उसे इसकी स्वीकृति मिल जाती है। दूसरे भाग में राजम के उसके घर आने की बात है। तीसरे भाग में विद्यालय का दृश्य आता है। किसी ने ब्लैक बोर्ड पर ‘Tail’ बड़े अक्षरों में लिख दिया है। इससे भयंकर लड़ाई छिड़ जाती है और लड़ाई तब तक चलती है जबतक कि हेडमास्टर आ नहीं जाते हैं और सोमू और मणि को अलग . नहीं करते हैं, जो गुत्थम-गुत्थी में उलझे हुए हैं और शांति कायम होती है।
6. A Friend in Need
इस अध्याय में बताया गया है कि कैसे राजम स्वामी और मणि को फिर से मणि, सोमू और शंकर के साथ दोस्ती कायम कराने में मदद करता है। यह उन लोगों को अपने घर बुलाकर दोस्ती पर भाषण देने और उन्हें उपहार देने से हुआ और वे फिर से दोस्त बन गये। राजम ने वास्तव में ज़रूरत के समय दोस्ती का फर्ज़ निभाया।
7. A New Arrival
नया मेहमान स्वामी का छोटा भाई है। वातावरण रहस्य, आपा-धापी और शोरगुल से भरा है, जो जन्म से पहले हो रहा है और जन्म ठीक से हुआ। स्वामी कुछ भी समझने में असफल है कि क्या हो रहा है और महिला डॉक्टर उसके घर में इस तरह आ-जा रही है, जैसे यह उसका अपना घर हो और सभी लोग उसका आदेश मान रहे हैं। इन्हीं विचारों में खोए-खोए वह सो गया। परंतु अगले दिन सुबह उसे पता चला कि उसका एक छोटा-सा भाई आया है।
8. Before the Examination
अध्याय वार्षिक परीक्षा के नज़दीक आने की स्थिति और इससे स्वामी की परेशानी का वर्णन करता है। घर पर पिता ने काफी सख्ती की और स्वामी को देर तक पढ़ने को बाध्य किया। स्कूल में परीक्षा का बुखार सभी दोस्तों पर चढ़ गया। ज़रा भी बातचीत या मटरगश्ती नहीं थी। यह अफवाह भी फैली कि स्कूल का क्लर्क प्रश्न पत्रों के बारे में सब कुछ जानता है और चोरी-छुपे कोई सुराग जानने का प्रयास जारी हो गया। मणि उसके घर उपहार लेकर गया और सीधे-सीधे प्रश्न पत्र के बारे में पूछ डाला। उसने अस्पष्ट सामान्य-सा जवाब दिया लेकिन मणि पूरी तरह संतुष्ट था। जो वह जानता था उसने स्वामी को बताया और वे उसके अनुसार तैयारी करने लगे।
9. School Breaks-up
परीक्षा का आखरी दिन था और उसके बाद छट्टियों के लिए स्कूल बंद होने वाला था। स्वामी बीस मिनट पहले परीक्षा भवन से बाहर आ गया और दूसरे मित्रों के निकलने का इन्तज़ार करने लगा लेकिन घंटी बजने तक कोई बाहर नहीं आया और फिर शोरगुल शुरू हो गया। हेडमास्टर ने उन्हें संक्षेप में संबोधित किया और घोषणा की कि, विद्यालय 19 जून तक बंद रहेगा और 20 को खुलेगा। घोषणा से उत्तेजना और खुशी थी और फिर वे दवात तोड़ने लगे और स्टेशनरी के सामान बर्बाद करने लगे। स्वामी ने भी पागलों की तरह इसमें हिस्सा लिया। मौज-मस्ती तब तक चलती रही जब तक स्कूल के चपरासी ने मौज उड़ाते बच्चों को भेज न दिया।
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