MP Board Class 9th Books Free Pdf Download 2023-24

MP Board Class 9th Books: Free Pdf Downloads We hope the given MP Board Class 9th Books Solutions Guide Pdf download all subjects in both Hindi Medium and English Medium will help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 9 Text Book Solutions Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

MP Board Class 9th Books Free Pdf Download
MP Board Class 9th Books Free Pdf Download

MP Board Class 9th Books

MP Board Class 9th Books Solutions Guide Pdf download all subjects in both Hindi Medium and English Medium are part of MP Board Solutions. Here we have given NCERT Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 9 Text Book Solutions Pdf.

MP Board Books 📚 Free Pdf Download 1 to 12
MP Board Class 6 Books
MP Board Class 7 Books
MP Board Class 8 Books
MP Board Class 9 Books
MP Board Class 10 Books
MP Board Class 11 Books
MP Board Class 12 Books

MP Board Books 📚 Free Pdf Download 1 to 12

MP Board Class 9th Books Solutions

MP Board Class 9th Maths Books (गणित)

क्रमांक / S.No.अध्यायों की सूची

MP Board Class 9th Science Books (विज्ञान)

क्रमांक / S.No.अध्यायों की सूची

MP Board Class 9th Books Social Science Solutions (सामाजिक विज्ञान)

क्रमांक / S.No.अध्यायों की सूची
2Page 1 to 50
3Page 51 to 100
4Page 101 to 150
5Page 151 to 200
6Page 201 to 226

MP Board Class 9th Engish Books (अंग्रेज़ी)

The Rainbow Workbook Special English Class 9th Solutions

You can download MP Board The Rainbow Workbook Special English Class 9th Solutions and Answers.

MP Board Class 9th Hindi Books (हिंदी)

Vasanti Hindi Book Class 9 Solutions

  • Chapter 1 साखियाँ (कबीरदास)
  • Chapter 2 मित्रता (रामचन्द्र शुक्ल)
  • Chapter 3 रसखान पदावली (रसखान)
  • Chapter 4 बूढ़ी काकी (प्रेमचन्द)
  • Chapter 5 ऋतु वर्णन (पद्माकर)
  • Chapter 6 टेलीफोन (हरिशंकर परसाई)
  • Chapter 7 मातृभाषा (भारतेन्दु)
  • Chapter 8 देवताओं के अंचल में (अज्ञेय)
  • Chapter 9 मैं अमर शहीदों का चारण (श्री कृष्ण सरल)
  • Chapter 10 न्यायमंत्री (सुदर्शन)
  • Chapter 11 जागरण गीत (सोहनलाल द्विवेदी)
  • Chapter 12 जब चाणक्य ने दूसरा दीपक जलाया (संकलित)
  • Chapter 13 बालिका का परिचय (सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान)
  • Chapter 14 मेहमान की वापसी (मालती जोशी)
  • Chapter 15 वरदान मागूँगा नहीं (शिवमंगल सिंह सुमन)
  • Chapter 16 समर्पण (सुरेशचन्द्र शुक्ल)
  • Chapter 17 मृत्तिका (नरेश मेहता)
  • Chapter 18 डॉ. जगदीशचन्द्र बसु (संकलित)
  • Chapter 19 धनुष की प्रत्यंचा (डॉ. देवेन्द्र दीपक)
  • Chapter 20 गुणवन्ती (संकलित)
  • Chapter 21 कर्त्तव्य पालन (डॉ. छाया पाठक)
  • Chapter 22 हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास (संकलित)

MP Board Class 9 General Hindi व्याकरण

MP Board Class 9th Hindi Book Solutions Navneet

Here we have given MP Board Class 9 Special Hindi Navneet Solutions Hindi Vishisht Kaksha 9 (नवनीत हिंदी विशिष्ट कक्षा 9).

Navneet Hindi Book Class 9 Solutions

पद्य साहित्य

  • Chapter 1 भक्ति धारा
    • रैदास के पद (रैदास)
    • पदावली (मीराबाई)
  • Chapter 2 वात्सल्य भाव
    • रसखान के सवैए (रसखान)
    • मेरा नया बचपन (सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान)
  • Chapter 3 प्रेम और सौन्दर्य
    • घनानन्द माधुरी (घनानन्द)
    • देव सुधा (देवदत्त)
  • Chapter 4 नीति – धारा
    • रहीम के दोहे (रहीम)
    • वृन्द के दोहे (वृन्द)
  • Chapter 5 प्रकृति-चित्रण
    • पंचवटी (मैथिलीशरण गुप्त)
    • आः धरती कितना देती है। (सुमित्रानंदन पंत)
  • Chapter 6 शौर्य और देशप्रेम
    • हिन्दुस्तान हमारा है (बालकृष्ण शर्मा ‘नवीन’)
    • स्वतंत्रता का दीपक (गोपाल सिंह नेपाली)
  • Chapter 7 सामाजिक समरसता
    • सुदामा चरित (नरोत्तमदास)
    • शबरी प्रसंग (तुलसीदास)
  • Chapter 8 कल्याण की राह
    • विभीषण रावण संवाद (तुलसीदास)
    • सूरज का पहिया (गिरिजा कुमार माथुर)
  • Chapter 9 जीवन दर्शन
    • काँटे कम से कम मत बोओ (रामेश्वर शुक्ल ‘अंचल’)
    • सच है महज संघर्ष ही (जगदीश गुप्त)
  • Chapter 10 विविधा
    • हमारा देश (स. ही. वात्स्यायन अज्ञेय)
    • घर की याद (भवानीप्रसाद मिश्र)
    • स्वाभिमान (आचार्य विद्यासागर)

गद्य साहित्य

  • Chapter 1 व्याख्यान (भाषण, स्वामी विवेकानंद)
  • Chapter 2 हिम्मत और जिन्दगी (निबन्ध, रामधारी सिंह दिनकर)
  • Chapter 3 नदी बहती रहे (निबन्ध, भगवतीशरण सिंह)
  • Chapter 4 नारियल (ललित निबन्ध, विद्यानिवास मिश्र)
  • Chapter 5 उधार का अनंत आकाश (व्यंग्य, शरद जोशी)
  • Chapter 6 एक कुत्ता और एक मैना (संस्मरण, हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी)
  • Chapter 7 कर्म कौशल (निबन्ध, डॉ. रघुवीर प्रसाद गोस्वामी)


  • Chapter 1 दीपदान (एकांकी, डॉ. रामकुमार वर्मा)
  • Chapter 2 बहू की विदा (एकांकी, विनोद रस्तोगी)


  • Chapter 1 बड़े घर की बेटी (कहानी, प्रेमचंद)
  • Chapter 2 ताई (कहानी, विश्वम्भरनाथ शर्मा ‘कौशिक’)

MP Board Class 9 Special Hindi सहायक वाचन Solutions

  • Chapter 1 नया वर्ष नया विहान (आलेख, अमृतलाल बेगड़)
  • Chapter 2 पुस्तक (आत्मकथा, पदुमलाल पुन्नालाल बख्शी)
  • Chapter 3 हल्दीघाटी (कविता, श्यामनारायण पाण्डेय)
  • Chapter 4 वैद्यराज जीवक (वैज्ञानिक निबन्ध, घनश्याम ओझा)
  • Chapter 5 विश्व मन्दिर (सामाजिक निबन्ध, वियोगी हरि)
  • Chapter 6 सिपाही का पत्र (कविता, शिवमंगल सिंह ‘सुमन’)
  • Chapter 7 उड़ता चल कबूतर (यात्रा वृत्तांत, रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी)
  • Chapter 8 जीवन का झरना (कविता, आरसी प्रसाद सिंह)
  • Chapter 9 प्रेरणा दीप (पौराणिक कथा संदर्भ, संकलित)
  • Chapter 10 जीवन दृष्टि (लघु प्रसंग)
  • Chapter 11 यशस्वी पत्रकार दादा साहेब आप्टे (संजय त्रिवेदी)

MP Board Class 9th Sanskrit Books (संस्कृत)

Durva Sanskrit Book Class 9 Solutions

  • Chapter 1 जयतु मे माता (गीतम्)
  • Chapter 2 अलसस्य स्वप्नः (कथा)
  • Chapter 3 सुभाषितानि (पद्यम्)
  • Chapter 4 पितृसेवा परं ज्ञानम् (कथा)
  • Chapter 5 सर्वदमनः भरतः (नाट्यांशः)
  • Chapter 6 शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम् (पद्यम्)
  • Chapter 7 सुविज्ञातमेव विश्वसेत् (कथा)
  • Chapter 8 दशपुरीया अष्टमूर्तिः (वर्णनात्मकः)
  • Chapter 9 पितृभक्तः श्रवणकुमारः (संवादः)
  • Chapter 10 नीतिश्लोकाः (पद्यम्)
  • Chapter 11 संसर्गजाः दोषगुणाः (कथा)
  • Chapter 12 कर्तव्यपालनम् (संवादः)
  • Chapter 13 गीतादर्शनम् (पद्यम्)
  • Chapter 14 वीरबाला (संवादः)
  • Chapter 15 श्रेष्ठतमं कार्यम् (कथा)
  • Chapter 16 अध्ययने प्रत्यूहः (नाट्यांशः)
  • Chapter 17 गुरुभक्तः आरुणिः (संवादः)
  • Chapter 18 पुरुषोत्तमः (पद्यम्)
  • Chapter 19 उपायैः सर्वं शक्यम् (कथा)
  • Chapter 20 वेधशाला (पत्रम्)
  • Chapter 21 सूक्तयः (स्फुट)

Get MP Board Solutions of Latest MP syllabus 2019-20 edition for MP Board Examinations for all Classes and Subjects in both Hindi and English Medium on We provide step by step MP Board Solutions for Class 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, and 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st all subjects. You can also download the NCERT Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Textbooks Solutions with a Free PDF download option. MP Board Solutions for all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per MP Board guidelines.

Students can also get new (2023-24) Edition of MP Board Books in Hindi Medium and English Medium with Free Download PDF for Class 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th.

MP Board of secondary education (MPBSE) has conducted Class 10th science paper on March 16, 2023. The exam started at 09:00 AM and ended on 12 noon. Students can download MP Board 10th science question paper 2023 pdf along with the solutions from this page. The question paper is available for Hindi and English version. With the help of the solution provided on this page, students can cross-check their answers and evaluate their performance. For more details on MP Board 10th class science paper 2023 solved, scroll down this page.

Latest: MP Board 10th science paper 2023 solved. Check answers below.Nice Solution

What is the full form of MPBSE?

MPBSE is the short form for Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education.

From where can you get all the details regarding the MP Board class 10 and 12 exams and its resources?

One of the best source to find all the study materials and exam resources is the official website, Meanwhile students can also access the resources for free from MP Board Exam Resources.

What are the marks needed to pass the MP Board Exams?

To be deemed passed, students need to score at least 33 per cent marks aggregate and in each subject in MPBSE class 10 and class 12 exams. In 2018, nearly 20 lakh students had registered for the exam of which, 7.69 lakh are from class 12 or HSSC, nearly 11.48 lakh are from class 10.

How can I check my MP Board ssc results?

Students can get online to, the official website to check for their results. For more detailed steps to check out ssc results, check out

Where to Check MP Board 12th Result 2023?

After the formal declaration of the results, the scorecards will be available on the official website of the board i.e. It is often seen that the official website of the board shows technical errors on the result day due to the numerous users visiting the site at the same time. If such situation arises this year, we request the students to visit to make the process hassle-free. Students awaiting to check their MP Board Class 12th result 2023 should also keep all their required details handy for fast and easy access to the results. We here at JagranJosh understand the amount of pressure and anxiety the candidates undergo during result times, and thus, we strive to make the process of checking the MP Board Class 12 result very simple on the part of the students.

Previous Year Statistics of MP 12th Board Result

Results always bring about anxiety and excitement to the students. One of the biggest concerns of the students is whether they will achieve the expected marks or not. Many students often set a wrong expectation and get disappointed later on. In order to ease the pressure from the students and to help them to set realistic expectations, we have provided some key insights from last year’s MP Board 12th Result below. We hope these numbers will be useful for the candidates.
MP Board 12th Result – Last Year’s Statistics
Total students appeared (Regular): 32 lakh
Overall pass percentage: 37%
Pass Percentage Among Girls: 76.31%
Pass Percentage Among Boys: 68.94%

About Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

The Madhya Pradesh Board which conducts the Class 10 and Class 12 examinations in the state was established under the Madhya Pradesh Secondary Education Act, 1965. The Board was formed to regulate and conduct the affairs of the secondary education in the state.

The MP Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) serves as an exam conducting body and it regulates the education policies in the affiliated schools. The MPBSE conducts annual board exams to evaluate the academic performance of students at the HSC and the HSSC levels.

About The Author

Hemant Singh

Hello friends, I am Hemant, Technical Writer & Co-Founder of Education Learn Academy. Talking about education, I am a student. I enjoy learning things related to new technology and teaching others. I request you that you keep supporting us in this way and we will continue to provide new information for you. :)