NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi: Our Class 10 Sanskrit NCERT Solutions include all the topics from the Class 10 Sanskrit textbooks.
Our experts have done thorough research to create these solutions. You can easily download the Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Sanskrit in PDF format using the provided links. To do well and gain a better understanding of the topics, make sure to practice the questions from the Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Part 2 NCERT Book Solutions.
We have given detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Ncert Solution Questions and Answers come in handy for quickly completing your homework.

Download the PDF of the Class 10 Sanskrit NCERT Solutions.
The Class 10 Sanskrit NCERT Solutions are a useful resource for resolving questions and developing a deeper comprehension of the material.
These detailed responses to all of the questions in the Class 10 Sanskrit NCERT books make it simpler to quickly understand the ideas.
You may efficiently study and do well on your board examinations if you use the correct resources. You will keep the information for a long time thanks to the thorough arrangement of the NCERT Book Solutions for 10th Class Sanskrit.
Sanskrit Class 10 NCERT Solutions | Shemushi संस्कृत कक्षा 10 समाधान
Shemushi Sanskrit Class 10 Solutions
Here is the list of Class 10 Sanskrit Chapters.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 1 शुचिपर्यावरणम्
- Shemushi Sanskrit Class 10 Solutions Chapter 2 बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा
- Sanskrit Class 10 NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः
- Class 10 Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 4 शिशुलालनम्
- Class 10th Sanskrit Book Solutions Chapter 5 जननी तुल्यवत्सला
- Class 10th Sanskrit Book Solutions Chapter 6 सुभाषितानि
- Shemushi Sanskrit Class 10 Solutions Chapter 7 सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा
- NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Solutions Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी
- Shemushi Class 10 Solutions Chapter 9 सूक्तयः
- Shemushi संस्कृत कक्षा 10 समाधान Chapter 10 भूकंपविभीषिका
- शेमुषी संस्कृत Class 10 Solutions Chapter 11 प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियः सुह्रद्
- शेमुषी भाग 2 Solutions Chapter 12 अनयोक्त्यः
Class 10 Manika NCERT Solutions Download PDF
Students can click on the subject wise links below. Refer to latest Manika NCERT Solutions for Class 10 below
- Chapter 1 Shuchiparyavaranam
- Chapter 2 Intelligence is always strong
- Chapter 3 Exercise is always healthy
- Chapter 4 Child Rearing
- Chapter 5 Mother is equally compassionate
- Chapter 6 Proverbs
- Chapter 7 Harmony is the beauty of nature
- Chapter 8 The strange witness
- Chapter 9 Suktas
- Chapter 10 Earthquake
- Class 10 Solutions Chapter 11 A friend dearer than life
- Chapter 12 Anayoktya
Sanskrit Grade 10 Solutions and answers to additional questions
Here are the solutions to the class 10 Sanskrit lessons for students. NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Solutions are available in both online and offline versions to make it simpler and more convenient for you.
Students can simply do their homework and get ready for their annual examinations with the help of Sanskrit Solutions.
Here, the online Sanskrit curriculum for grade 10 is offered in chapter form for everyone’s convenience. In order for the student to fully comprehend each sentence, translations of all lessons have also been provided in Hindi.
NOTE (Disclaimer): This post could potentially match another post on the internet because it has been taken from a book. It consists of questions and answers, which may not be unique and could be similar to other content. Therefore, there is a possibility of 100% plagiarism in this post. However, it’s essential to focus on gaining knowledge rather than just the content itself because finding solutions for yourself is crucial, regardless of whether the post is original. This post appears to have been sourced from a book used in the MP Board.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit – Chapters and Exercises
Chapter 1. शुचिपर्यावरणम्: In this first chapter, titled ‘Clean Environment,’ the lesson primarily focuses on the growing issue of pollution, which affects both the atmosphere and the ground.
This pollution is causing the earth to become less habitable. The writer expresses a desire to walk down a path surrounded by greenery and waterfalls, a stark contrast to the pollution in metropolitan cities.
Chapter 2. बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा: In the second chapter, ‘The Ever-Strong Intellect,’ the story revolves around Bhudhimathi, the future queen, as she embarks on a journey to her father’s house.
During her journey through a dense forest, she encounters a tiger, and her fearless response to the threat is witnessed. The tiger seeks help from a jackal, but the jackal’s plan ultimately fails.
Chapter 3. व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः: The third chapter, ‘Exercise Always Recommended,’ is drawn from Sushrutha Sahitya’s chikithsa sthan.
Sushrutha is often regarded as the father of medicine. In this lesson, the author emphasizes the importance of regular exercise, highlighting its benefits, including improved blood flow, reversal of aging, and good health.
Chapter 4. शिशुलालनम्: Chapter four, ‘Upbringing of Children,’ revolves around Luv and Kush, who are raised in Rishi Valmiki’s ashram.
They learn the story of Lord Rama with the blessings of Sita. After learning the story, Valmiki sends them to Ayodhya to sing the glory of Lord Rama. When they reach the palace, they meet their father, Lord Rama, but they remain unaware of their true lineage, raising questions among others.
Chapter 5. जननी तुल्यवत्सला: In the fifth chapter, ‘A Mother’s Unconditional Love,’ the story is part of the Mahabharata, written by Ved Vyas. It narrates the love of Surabhi, the mother of all cows, who feels heartache when she sees a weak cow unable to plow its owner’s field.
Lord Indra intervenes after hearing Surabhi’s grief and blesses the land with rain, making the farmer and the cows happy.
Chapter 6. सुभाषितानि: The sixth chapter, ‘Noble Sayings,’ compiles various poems and prose on the importance of hard work, the drawbacks of anger, and the significance of social interaction for the welfare of humanity.
Chapter 7. सोहाद् प्रकृतेः शोभा: In the seventh chapter, ‘The Beauty of Harmony,’ the lesson emphasizes that in today’s world, people are becoming increasingly selfish instead of selfless. The writer draws a comparison between birds and animals, illustrating nature as our mother. The lesson highlights the importance of caring for each other and fostering an interdependent relationship.
Chapter 8. विचित्रः साक्षी‘ Chapter eight, ‘The Peculiar Witness,’ tells the story of how Bankimchandra Chatterji delivers justice to an elderly man falsely accused of theft. The man is acquitted and released with honor, highlighting the importance of treasuring knowledge and the role of circumstances in delivering justice.
Chapter 9. सूक्तयः: The ninth chapter, ‘Wisdom in Verses,’ revolves around ‘Thirukkural,’ a sacred Tamil text with 1330 verses divided into 13 chapters, each dealing with different aspects of life. It offers answers to life’s dilemmas.
Chapter 10. भूकम्पविभीषिका: Chapter ten, ‘The Earthquake,’ narrates the earthquake that struck India on January 26th, 2001, turning a moment of celebration into one of sorrow and destruction.
Chapter 11. प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियः सुहद्: The eleventh chapter, ‘Dearest to Life Itself,’ recounts the story of Chandra Gupta Maurya, who, with the help of Chanakya, brought India under his control. Chanakya orchestrates a play to bring Amatya Rakshas to Chandra Gupta’s side, leading to the surrender of Rakshas to save the life of Chandan Das.
Chapter 12. अन्योक्तय: The twelfth chapter, ‘Unspoken Words,’ explores how every action, whether good or bad, leads to praise or criticism. The criticism can help writers reach a broader audience, enabling them to convey important virtues through metaphors like swans, nightingales, and lakes.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the NCERT Textbook Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Bhag:
Where can I obtain Chapter-by-Chapter NCERT Solutions for Shemushi Bhag 2 in Sanskrit for Class 10?
On our website, you can get free access to Chapter-by-Chapter NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Shemushi Bhag 2.
How can I get the NCERT Solutions for Sanskrit in 10th Class in PDF format?
Simply click on the quick links provided to obtain the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit and save them for further use.
Can practising with the 10th Standard Sanskrit Shemushi Bhag 2 NCERT Solutions help me perform well in exams?
Yes, using the 10th Standard Sanskrit Shemushi Bhag 2 NCERT Solutions to practise would help you perform well on tests.
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