MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions विज्ञान MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions Guide Pdf Free Download विज्ञान in both Hindi Medium and English Medium are part of MP Board Class 9th Solutions. Here we have given NCERT Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 9 Science Book Solutions Vigyan Pdf.

Class: | 9 |
Subject: | Science – विज्ञान |
Contents: | Mp Board Solutions |
MP Board Class 9th Science Book Solutions in English Medium
- Matter in Our Surroundings
- Is Matter Around Us Pure
- Atoms and Molecules
- Structure of The Atom
- The Fundamental Unit of Life
- Tissues
- Diversity in Living Organisms
- Motion
- Force and Laws of Motion
- Gravitation
- Work and Energy
- Sound
- Why Do We Fall ill
- Natural Resources
- Improvement in Food Resources
Download NCERT Textbooks PDF for class 1st to 12th
MP Board Solutions For Class 9 Science Solutions For 2020-21
MP Board Class 9th Science Book Solutions in Hindi Medium
- Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings (हमारे आस-पास के पदार्थ)
- Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure (क्या हमारे आस-पास के पदार्थ शुद्ध है)
- Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules (परमाणु एवं अणु)
- Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom (परमाणु की संरचना)
- Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life (जीवन की मौलिक इकाई)
- Chapter 6 Tissues (ऊत्तक)
- Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms (जीवों में विविधता)
- Chapter 8 Motion (गति)
- Chapter 9 Force and Laws of Motion (बल और गति का नियम)
- Chapter 10 Gravitation and Floatation (गुरुत्वाकर्षण)
- Chapter 11 Work, Power and Energy (कार्य और उर्जा)
- Chapter 12 Sound (ध्वनि)
- Chapter 13 Why Do we Fall Ill (हम बीमार क्यों होते है)
- Chapter 14 Natural Resources (प्राकृतिक संसाधन)
- Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources (खाद्ध्य संसाधनों में सुधार)
We hope the given MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions Guide Pdf Free Download विज्ञान in both Hindi Medium and English Medium will help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Madhya Pradesh Syllabus MP Board Class 9 Science Book Solutions Vigyan Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
CBSE 2020 Class 9 Science Marking Scheme
S.NO | Unit Name | Weightage |
1 | Matter – Its Nature and behaviour | 23 |
2 | Organization in the living world | 20 |
3 | Motion, Force and Work | 27 |
4 | Our Environment | 06 |
5 | Food – Food Production | 04 |
Total | 80 | |
20 Marks will be of internal assessment |
Type of Questions | Objective type (1 mark each) | Short answer type (3 marks each) | Long answer type (5 marks each) | Total marks |
Remembering | 07Q | 02Q | 01Q | 18M |
Understanding | 04Q | 02Q | 02Q | 20M |
Applying | 04Q | 01Q | 02Q | 17M |
Analyzing and Evaluating | 05Q | 02Q | 01Q | 16, |
Creating | – | 03Q | – | 9M |
Total | 20Q | 10Q | 06Q | 80M |
Below given are the chapter wise details of MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions for you so that you can get an idea about the chapter and its free pdf of NCERT Solutions-
Chapter 1. Matter In Our Surroundings
MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions 1 sets the foundation for chemistry in the learning graph of yours. So, it’s important for you to have better understanding of the chapter. Solutions of intext exercises and end exercise of Matter in Our Surroundings, are explained elaborately in the notes by Vedantu that will help you to understand the basic concepts of chemistry. With good understanding of this chapter, you will able to relate chemistry with your day to day life. The chapter explains how different matters change their state under different temperature and pressure. All-cause and effect resulting in the change of state of the matter are explained in a very simplified manner for you to understand. Go through the answers thoroughly after reading and understanding the text, and then attempt yourself.
MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 1 includes intext exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and an end exercise. It contains a total of 9 questions in its end exercise. Most of the questions are application based and few are memory-based questions to test your application skills and cognizance.
Chapter 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions of NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science is about “Is Matter Around Us Pure?” This chapter has been carried forward from the first chapter and it talks about various methods of separation and physical and chemical changes. The chapter explains the types of mixtures and solutions. There are various experiments conducted to explain various types of components of a solution and mixtures. So after understanding this chapter, you will able to distinguish matter into mixtures and pure substances. For this chapter also question papers are solved on Vedantu which will help you to prepare better for your exams. Diagrams and flowcharts are given to help you clear your concept regarding this chapter.
MP Board Class 9th Science Solutions Chapter 2 includes Intext Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and an End Exercise. It contains a total of 11 questions in its end exercise. This chapter includes most of the application and practical based questions to test your understanding of the chapter.
Chapter 3. Atoms And Molecules
NCERT Class 9 Science chapter 3 has good weightage in the examination. Every year minimum 3-4 questions are being asked from this chapter in almost all school examinations. In chapter 3, you will learn about Atoms and Molecules. This chapter includes Mole Concept also which you will study in class 11 also. So, this chapter builds the foundation of Mole concept for you. It’s very important for you to clearly understand the basics of Mole Concept to solve all the numerical based on this topic. You will also get to know laws of chemical combination, symbols of elements etc. On Vedantu, you will get all solved questions of NCERT by experts. The chapter falls under Chemistry, so there are many diagrams to help you understand the concepts. You can go through the text and then check out the solved questions to get a vivid idea of how the questions are framed in the examination.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 3 includes Intext Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and an End Exercise. It contains a total of 11 questions in its end exercise. This chapter includes application and memory-based questions to test your application skills and cognizance.
Chapter 4. Structure Of The Atoms
Chapter 4 also falls under Chemistry and it is on the “Structure of Atom”. It is a very interesting chapter if you understand it properly. If you are planning to pursue Science for your higher studies, then what you learn here will benefit you in the long run. You will get NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science by experts on Vedantu for this chapter too. This chapter involves some basic mathematical calculations and different theories about structure of atom which is why it is very scoring. If you can grasp this chapter well, you will be able to score better in science paper. Also, keep practising the atomic structure frequently or else you will forget the theories related to atomic structure. This chapter is an important chapter for you from exam perspective also as it includes many important concepts such as Neutrons, Protons, Isotopes, Valency etc.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 4 includes Intext Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and an End Exercise. It contains a total of 19 questions in its end exercise. This chapter includes application and memory-based questions to test your understanding of the chapter.
Chapter 5. The Fundamental Unit Of Life
The 5th chapter -The Fundamental Unit of Life is related to Biology and it is the first chapter dealing with Biology in your syllabus. This chapter teaches you about cells. The cell structure is also explained in this chapter. Both animal and plant cells are explained with elaborated diagrams. For this chapter as well, you will get all NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science on Vedantu.
Class 9 Science NCERT Solutions of Chapter 5 includes Intext Exercise 1, 2, 3 and end exercise. It contains a total of 11 questions in end exercise. This chapter includes analysis and memory-based questions to test your analysis skills and cognizance.
Chapter 6. Tissues
Your 6th chapter of NCERT Science Textbook is based on Tissues. Different types of tissues have been explained in this chapter. You will get questions from this chapter in Olympiad also. So, you need to have a very good understanding of this chapter as it will not only build your foundation for biology subject, but questions will be asked in your final examination and Olympiad as well. Animal and Plant tissues have been explained in detail. You will have to understand a few diagrams to know about the different kinds of tissues in a plant and animal body.
NCERT Solution Class 9 Science of Chapter 6 includes all Intext exercises and end exercises for you.
Chapter 7. Diversity In Living Organisms
Chapter 7 is also a part of Biology and it is called Diversity in Living Organisms. You can see many living organisms around you, and you must have noticed the huge diversity in plants and animals (or living organisms). So, in this chapter you will get to know about the classification of organisms. This chapter explains to you about the hierarchy in the plant and animal kingdom. How they are different from each other and their ways of life are explained through this chapter.
NCERT Solution Class 9 Science of Chapter 7 includes all Intext exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and end exercise for you. The end exercise includes solution of all 6 questions. These all questions are memory-based questions to test your cognizance.
Chapter 8. Motion
With chapter 8 you will be introduced to Physics. In this chapter you will learn uniform motion and non-uniform motion. You will also understand the concept of speed and direction of motion. After understanding of this chapter, you will able to understand that all objects on the earth are in motion as the earth is constantly in motion. NCERT Solution Class 9 Science of Chapter 8 includes all Intext exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and end exercise for you. The end exercise includes solution of all 10 questions given in your NCERT Textbook. These all questions are based on your application skills, numerical skills and analysis skills.
Chapter 9. Force And Laws Of Motion
You have studied concept of Force in class 8, now in class 9 you will study it in depth. You will learn about balanced and unbalanced forces. You will understand all three laws of motion and will get to know physicist Galileo Galilei. This chapter will enhance your conceptual understanding of Force and Motion. NCERT Solution Class 9 Science of Chapter 9 includes all Intext exercises 1, 2, 3 and end exercise and additional exercise for you. The end exercise includes solution of all 18 questions given in your NCERT Textbook. These all questions are based on your application skills, numerical skills and memory-skills.
Chapter 10. Gravitation
You must have studied in class 8 about Newton’s dilemma that why apple always falls down from the tree? In this chapter of class 9 you will understand more about gravitational force. It is a very important chapter related to Physics. This chapter will give you a vivid idea about how gravitational force works. There are quite a few numerical in this chapter. So, you will require regular practice to score full marks in them. NCERT Solution Class 9 Science of Chapter 10 includes all Intext exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and end exercise for you. The end exercise includes solution of all 22 questions given in your NCERT Textbook. These all questions are based on your numerical abilities, application skills, and memory-skills.